Your intuitively-drawn Quantum key will align with your Divine Blueprint.
What are multidimensional "Quantum Mechanics" Keys ?
These geometric keys, based on the Sacred Phi Geometry of the Multiverse, are multidimensional vibrational patterns that can be compared to light language.
The keys I draw resonate with crystalline DNA and the associated quantum field, impacting the "awakening" of our dormant DNA enabling it to operate at higher levels of information. They process and transmit new data to the human body.
These keys balance frequencies and release old vibrational patterns in our physical, mental, emotional and subtle bodies, helping us to evolve as energetic beings.
They also influence realities beyond 3D, allowing the exploration of new perspectives within matter (quantum potentials).
Each key contains multiple creation templates, each working on a specific frequency band, also known as an octave.
[Do not mentalise your key. Welcome it with your heart. No action will be required on your part; you just need to place it where your divine intuition guides you].
Your quantum key is the extension of your Divine Self into matter.
A photo will be required. Nathalie will contact you after your order.
🔑 Your Quantum key will be sent to you by email (by post, add from €14: contact Nathalie if you wish this option).
For you to embody its full power while anchoring & integrated NEW Earth Codes into all of your physical realities. ♡
NB: Why are the "Quantum Mechanics" keys drawn in wooden pencil?
Answer : for the vibration !
The raw material for pencil leads is graphite (plombagine the clever name ^^), which is a natural crystalline form of carbon. When graphite is subjected to sufficiently high pressure and temperature, it transforms into ... diamond. As for the wood used, it's incense cedar.